Money Counter, Counterfeit Detector, Coin Sorter, Note Strapping Machine

bill sorting machine

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Fitness Banknote Sorting Machine BSM6070 Series

Fitness Banknote Sorting Machine BSM6070 Series

4.3” HD Full-Color Touchscreen: Intuitive interface for easy operation. Automatic Currency Identification: Supports multi-currency processing. Advanced Sorting Modes: Fitness Sorting: Detects and sorts ATM-fit, circulating, and non-circulating banknotes. Value Sorting: Sorts banknotes by denomination. Face & Orientation Sorting: Arranges banknotes in the same direction. Comprehensive Counterfeit Detection: Dual CIS, IR, MG, MT, UV, security thread, watermark, and serial number analysis. …

2 Pocket Sorting Machine

8-Inch Full Touch Screen Banknote Sorting Machine BSM520T

FEATURES: Detection: UV, MG, IR, 2 CIS, Paper Analysis, Thickness Sensor Fitness Function: detect the note with tape, corner, tear, folded, hole Counting Mode: MIX, SORT, FACE, ORIENT, COUNT Serial number reading is supported on BSM520T Multi-currency counting & auto-recognition currency function is supported Interface: RS232, LAN, RJ11, USB, TF, TYPE-C PC connection makes cash counting results be exported easily, …

2-Pocket Banknote Sorting Machine S200

2-Pocket Banknote Sorting Machine S200

Please contact us for the quote for this new sorting machine, as well as its technical details.

2-Pocket Banknote Sorter BSM400

2-Pocket Banknote Sorter BSM400

* Multi-Currency Detection — Up to 10 currencies * Various Mode of Counting — Mix value count / DD count / PCS count with batch function * LCD Display — 3.5” Touch TFT LCD and full graphic UI notification * Can connect to PC to Upgrade the software — Basic and instinct way for system upgrade * All the data …


    Your Professional Supplier of Cash Handling Products in China
    Banknote Sorter, Money Counter, Counterfeit Detector, Coin Counter & Sorter, Check Reader & Writer


    Mobile: +86.137-7775-1878
    Office: +86.577-8829-5838